Safeway Presents Golden Baseball League

The recently-launched Golden Baseball League announced today that Safeway, Inc. has entered into a three-year presenting sponsorship agreement with the independent professional baseball association. Financial terms were not disclosed.

“Our thought from day one was that Safeway would be the perfect presenting sponsor,” said David Kaval, CEO of the Golden Baseball League in a statement. “Their outstanding commitment to local communities and the strength of their employees put them at the top of our list.”

Under the terms of the agreement, Safeway will have the exclusive rights to a variety of league wide programs including “Name Your Team” contests, sponsorship of the Golden Baseball League team mascots and unique promotions designed for Safeway Club cardholders. Safeway will receive presenting sponsor credit on all Golden Baseball marketing and community affairs materials and will have a major presence in each Golden Baseball League ballpark.

Golden Baseball League teams, all based in California and Arizona, will have the opportunity to work with their local Safeway stores in promoting the League and offer Safeway employees the opportunity to volunteer for various activities.