QVC Gets Highest Conversion Rate in February: Report

Television shopping channel QVC bought in the highest conversion rates out of approximately 117 online retailers during February, turning 16.3 % of its site shoppers into purchasers, according to a Nielsen//NetRatings report.

Cataloger Lands’ End followed by converting 14.8 % of its visitors into buyers, with Sportsman’s Guide ranking third by converting 13.5 %.

The survey also found that among the top 10 online retailers ranked by conversion rates, only Coldwater Creek has a significant brick-and-mortar presence. The remaining nine retailers are comprised of a television shopping network, catalogs and online-only retailers.

The average conversion rate is 4.9 % among the top 100 retailers, said the report.

Among product categories ordered online, computer hardware yielded the highest average order at $584.47, followed by event and movie tickets at $121.60 and automotive at $119.23.