Online customer support was better a year ago U.S. small businesses reported in a recent Cyber Dialogue study.
The study also found that e-spending by small businesses reached 138% or a total $45.2 billion as of the first quarter of 2001.
Examples of the decline in support include:
* just 48% of online small business are satisfied with customer support offerings compared to 60% in 1999
* 61% are satisfied with the usefulness of online information for customer service and support, down from 73% in early 1999
* 36% of respondents said they were satisfied that online support saves them money, compared to 52% last year
* small businesses less satisfied with support tend to shop and spend less online
Office supplies, computer hardware and computer software comprise 54% of total small business-to-business spending, with the largest increase over 1999 in office supplies.