Pop-Tart Webisodes Plus-up Idol Tour
Kellogg Co. is taking American Idol fans backstage for the first time in its five years sponsoring the American Idols Live! tour.
HomeDepot.com Now Selling Ads
The Home Depot has begun selling ad space on its Web site to key vendors who want to extend their reach beyond Home Depot aisles.
Three Ways to Tap Hidden Consumer Spending Power
The vast majority of marketers today are missing a very key element of data: money. And we’re not talking just about consumers’ income and homeownership and investments.
COLLOQUY Corner: The Soft Side of Loyalty
If hard benefits represent the rational, tangible side of the value exchange in the eyes of your customers, then what about the benefits that appeal to the emotional, personal side of the relationship? Do soft benefits matter?
CableOrganizer.com Gets Users Untwisted
Back in 2001, Paul Holstein searched the Web but couldn’t find products to tidy up the mess of computer wires tangling his workspace. It was a serious aesthetic
Web Site Coaches the Little Guys
Sometimes, would-be business tycoons might need a little coaching to make the most of their hidden potential. At least, that’s what Pam Thomas is banking on.
Through her year-old Web site Whatswithinu.com, Thomas offers personal coaching to business people.
Sell When it Really Counts – After the Sale!
Are you acting just like most other small businesses out there? Do you ignore or fail to communicate to your existing customers often enough?
Tips and Teasers
The state of Pennsylvania is investing $1 million to help small business owners enhance energy efficiency and promote pollution prevention at their companies. Since July 2004, the Small Business Advantage Grant Program has awarded more than $2 million to 400 recipients across the state.
How Les Gore Recruits Executives—And Readers
The subject line woke us right up. It said: “You’re Fired!” But it wasn’t, as we suspected, from our boss. A closer look revealed at the line revealed that it was for an e-mail newsletter–the May issue of Les Gore’s Recruiting Report.
He Sees You When You’re Mailing
If your company has put it in an e-mail, chances are Bill McCloskey’s company knows about it.??