Beckett Media Adds Major League Search
Sports publisher Beckett Media LP struck gold selling sports trading cards and collectibles on the Web way back in the rookie years of 1995. A decade
Media on Media
Don’t bet the farm just yet on RSS, podcasts and other so-called Web 2.0 media. Marketers are interested in them, but not as much as they are in old-fashioned
Diverging From Convergence
Before June’s Direct Marketing Days New York conference, I would have sworn that was a dead-and-gone term. But when one breakout session after another
How CPA Deals Can Wreck Your Brand
Jane Kaiser is extremely wary of cost-per-action e-mail deals. CPA arrangements where merchants pay affiliates for each sale or action they generate are
Pay Up or Shut Up
IT WAS THE END OF A TYPICAL airport-to-airport marathon. They were tearing up the remote lots at O’Hare, so it began with a Darwinian struggle for a parking
CableOrganizer Gets Users Untwisted
In less than five years, Paul Holstein has gone from having a messy work space to heading an $8 million business. When Holstein a former consultant at
TAKING IT TO THE BANK Nice story. Well told. And soooooo true (Loose Cannon, July). Banks are a rich source of stories like this I’ve just been through
A Direct Mail Hero
Ralph Ginzburg, who died last month at age 76, was a publisher, a direct marketer, an author and a photographer. But he will be most remembered for the
Rate Shock
MANY DIRECT MARKETERS ARE still in shock after seeing the U.S. Postal Service’s proposed rates for standard mail parcels weighing less than a pound. If