Chain Calls Gift Card Offer a Scam
Dunkin’ Donuts claims that an e-mail from a Florida firm promising a free $25 gift card in return for a completed survey is a scam. It also appears the
Open for Business? Not Quite
I’m not greedy. I can live quite comfortably on a mere $5 million a year. So I would be very happy to have just 1% of the ad dollars that are largely wasted on ads like this one from American Express.
It makes one think that such corporations must have summer interns they don’t know what to do with. So they give them a job that requires no experience, training or common sense
World Wildlife Fund’s Hard S(h)ell
ANIMAL LOVERS EXPECTING to find a panda under their Mother’s Day tree this year surely were disappointed: The World Wildlife Fund de-emphasized its traditional
Ring and Rank
How does your telecom carrier measure up in online customer service? Not bad, judging from new research by The Customer Respect Group. Of the 55 telecommunications
Pay Up or Shut Up
IT WAS THE END OF A TYPICAL airport-to-airport marathon. They were tearing up the remote lots at O’Hare, so it began with a Darwinian struggle for a parking
International Masters Publishers’ list manager was misidentified in the June 15 feature It’s in the Cards. ALC oversees the company’s file. In The Hidden
Power Yoga
WHO SAID THAT only big magazines can build an online subscription business? Yoga Journal, a niche title that appears seven times a year, is now getting
TAKING IT TO THE BANK Nice story. Well told. And soooooo true (Loose Cannon, July). Banks are a rich source of stories like this I’ve just been through
D’oh! Those Zany Government Bureaucrats and Data Security
FROM THE THIS-IS-JUST-TOO-rich-to-pass-up file: The Federal Trade Commission noted recently that two of its laptops, containing the personal information
Easy as 1, 2, 3
MEASUREMENT is a hot topic for marketers today. Everyone is under pressure to demonstrate results, deliver value to their firms and justify budgets. Fortunately,