Pinots and Pigskins

Kendall-Jackson wines are known to consumers as approachable, consistent, and fashionable. But the company wanted to extend top-of-mind awareness beyond the holidays, when wine is most often consumed, and make it a quality alternative to traditional Super Bowl party beverages.

If you’ re not lucky enough to get a seat at the Super Bowl, Las Vegas is the next best place to be. Hotels throw huge parties with wide-screen TVs and celebrity hosts. It’s almost impossible to get a room during this week, second only to New Year’s on the Las Vegas popularity scale. We saw an opening for a lifestyle marketing cross-promotion teaming this category leader in Chardonnay, Merlot, and Pinot Noir wines with the Rio Suite Hotel & Casino on a trip to Las Vegas for a Super Bowl bash.

We used radio promotion to multiply the value of the client’s media dollar in the Kendall-Jackson’ s Ultimate Super Bowl Party at the Rio promo. We developed programming and events to extend the product’s air play and exposure beyond the ad spots, which are performed by local radio personalities.

In giving away the party prize, one station put on a grape-squashing contest. Another asked for the best story about raising college tuition money. We picked stations with audiences whose lifestyles matched our 25-to-49 year-old male demographic.

We produced collateral pieces to customize K-J retail displays. Using a Super Bowl party theme, K-J was presented as an authority on hosting successful gridiron get-togethers. Brochures with recipes, wine suggestions, and tips for consumers on throwing terrific Super Bowl and other parties added value. Where approved, snipes and entry forms were used.We fig ure Kendall-Jackson got eight dollars worth of radio-hosted promotion for every one dollar it spent on the media.