PFSWeb Income Falls in Quarter

PFSweb Inc., an online marketing and services company, reported net income of $62,000 for the second quarter, compared to a net income of $154,000 last year.

The Plano, TX firm posted revenue of $110.7 million for the quarter ended June 30, an increase over revenue of $108.4 million in the prior year.

The firm posted merchandise sales of about $631 million for the quarter, a decrease from $649 million in the prior year.

In addition, the firm’s electronics marketing reported revenue of $23 million for the quarter, a drop from $27.1 million last year.

“Considering the macroeconomic forces pressuring the entire U.S. retail industry, we believe the overall health of continues to improve due to the enhancements we have made to the site and underlying business,” said CEO Mark Layton, in a statement. “During the quarter, experienced a softening in its business to business segment, and its business to consumer segment was relatively flat compared to last year. We improved our gross profit margin through implementation of new and more sophisticated automated pricing tools and from a growing mix of higher margin product sales.”