2447 results for: influencer marketing

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Sponsors: Oust Samaranch

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

He demands a limousine to ferry him wherever he goes, and the presidential suite at the poshest hotel in town had better be that limo's destination. Far

Lions among LAMBS?

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Rushing to claim its share of the juicy $14 billion U.S. toy market, Milwaukee-based Alottafun, Inc. sets up a holiday Web site that specially targets

BRAND Enrollment

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

The mission: Buy everything you need-food, books, clothing, hair gel, body paint, whatever - on the Internet for an entire college semester. The team:

Charitable Contributions

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

When Jaimeson Rossow went trick-or-treating in Northfield, MN, last Halloween, she carried a plastic pumpkin to collect candy, and a small orange box

Cause Marketing Snapshot

77 percent of U.S. consumers want companies to commit to a specific cause for a long time, instead of running short promos with several causes. (That's

U.K. Travel Advisory

|  by Chief Marketer Staff

Planning to enter the British market? Don't count on the abundance of mailing lists you're used to in the United States.Prior to 1994, there were 3,419

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  • Engagement (663)
  • Digital (442)
  • Social (407)
  • Acquisition (384)
  • Direct Marketing | Print (361)
  • Engage & Convert (285)
  • Data Driven ROI (227)
  • Demand Gen (214)
  • Events (208)
  • Data & Analytics (200)
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  • Promotion (153)
  • CRM (112)
  • Data (96)
  • Experiential (95)
  • Content Marketing (80)
  • Influencer Marketing (73)
  • B2B (59)
  • Database marketing (59)
  • Search (54)
  • Lead generation (45)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (1109)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (294)
  • Tony Campana (247)
  • Patty Odell (206)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (152)
  • Richard H. Levey (23)
  • Chief Marketer (22)
  • Brian Quinton (19)
  • Jasmine Brown (6)
  • Casey McClay (5)
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Content Type

  • Posts (2020)
  • E-Letters (369)
  • Blog (22)
  • Special Reports (14)
  • Sponsored Content (12)
  • Partner Content (9)
  • Webinars (1)
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