Newsletter Lists The Highest Priced: Study

Newsletters are the highest-priced list category, according to Worldata’s recently released December List Price Index, comparing December 1998 list prices with list prices from December 1997.

Newsletters had a straight average price per thousand (PPM) of $143 for December 1998, up from $140 in December 1997.

This category is followed by business magazines/paid circulation, with a December 1997 straight average price of $127, increasing to $132 in December 1998. Respondents showed the lowest overall price of $63 PPM in December 1998.

In the area of straight dollar changes for December 1998, the largest price increase occurred with business magazines/controlled circulation at $7.63. This was followed by databases/masterfiles at $5.42.

For weighted average price, the category of attendees/members is highest at $136 in December 1998, up $1 from December 1997’s price of $135.

Databases/masterfiles experienced the highest weighted dollar change at $13.17

The List Price Index, published bimonthly by Worldata, compares list prices to those of a respective time.