News Briefs

EVERLAST WORLDWIDE INC.: has expanded its licensing agreement with Nuremberg, Germany-based Globus Trading Group GmbH. Under the agreement, Globus will serve as Everlast’s licensee for footwear in Continental Europe, excluding the U.K. and the Republic of Ireland. Athletic and casual footwear will be sold in sporting goods retailers, department and athletic footwear stores.

SPEECHSWITCH INC.: a Matawan, NJ-based speech-recognition technology company, has signed Beryl Wolk to develop and administer its latest marketing effort. Launching in two weeks, the campaign will transition SpeechSwitch’s b-to-b clients from purchasing the technology to leasing it. Companies that sign up for the service will be eligible for such incentives as discounted health programs for employees and items such as Bose radios for IT decision makers.