NASCAR Has Opportunity to Tap Hispanics: Study

Hispanics don’t attend NASCAR events in any significant numbers, but nearly 40% nominally follow the sport, according to a study co-produced for NASCAR by Revolution and Knowledge Networks.

In what purports to be the first in-depth study of its kind, 38% of Hispanics surveyed described themselves as “casual” NASCAR fans, meaning that they occasionally watch stock car races and track highlights. Two-thirds (67%) say they’re a “little bit interested.” Only 7% described themselves as “avid” fans who typically watch races by themselves.

Darren Marshall, Revolution’s senior vice president of research, contends that the prospects are there if the right marketing tools are used.

“There’s massive potential for NASCAR to become a mainstream sport for Hispanics,” he said.

But right now, the level of engagement with the sport among Hispanics is relatively low.

“Even the self-described avid Hispanic fans are much less engaged than the average NASCAR fan. They’re more like a lone wolf than a pack animal,” said Darren Marshall, Revolution senior vice president of research.

That runs counter to the tendency of average NASCAR fans to enjoy the sport in groups. But Marshall believes that interest among lone wolves and the casual NASCAR viewers could be revved up with local events. NASCAR-sponsored events in local bars to create a social atmosphere and “make it seem like it’s cool to be a NASCAR fan,” Marshall said.

The absence of more than a few Latino NASCAR stars is perceived to be an inhibiting factor, with Juan Pablo Montoya as the most recognizable driver with that ethnic credential. But Marshall said that even avid Latino NASCAR fans typically don’t have a favorite driver.

“Just having one successful driver will not transform NASCAR affinity in the Hispanic community,” Marshall said, who noted that Hispanic NASCAR fans like winning drivers without regard to their ethnic background.

The study was conducted by Knowledge Networks last November among a nationally representative sample of 661 Hispanic NASCAR fans and 680 Hispanic non-fans.