MidOcean Partners, Allant Management, Buy Allant Group

MidOcean Partners, a private equity firm which focuses on the middle market, has acquired The Allant Group in conjunction with Allant’s management.

“We have been following the developing trends in the marketing services space for several years and became increasingly impressed with Allant, its market leadership position, and its prospects for continued growth,” Frank Schiff, managing director of MidOcean, said in a statement.

Allant provides integrated online and offline multi-channel database marketing solutions. The company has a base of clients in the cable, financial services, insurance, retail, telecom and teleservices industries.

Discussions between the two firms had begun more than three years ago, Frank Sowinski, a former president of Dun & Bradstreet and member of the MidOcean team, said in a statement.

Sowinski will serve as Allant’s vice chairman.

In a statement, Terry McCarthy, president and CEO of Allant said, “We are excited to have MidOcean join the Allant team as an active partner in driving our vision, growth strategy and delivery of best practices.”