Today we meet David Hare, founder and president of New England List Services Inc. Hare secures lists for consumer mailers in financial services and other markets. He also does some brokerage for nonprofit organizations and business-to-business mailers.
Hare brokers solo, working primarily with postal lists. He does his own list research and recommendations, relying on an online list directory, his analysis of the target audience and the client’s demographic specifications.
Small companies handle brokerage differently than larger firms, where lead brokers typically deal with clients upfront, while assistants do the list research for list recommendations, he notes.
Hare earned his list chops as a mailer, segmenting and testing files for card pack mailings. He sold the advertising in the packs, so he had to hone his list acquisition and testing skills to keep clients coming back.
“Clients create good list brokers. They always want better pricing and better results. At times it makes them difficult to work with, but that’s how brokers become better mailers’ advocates