When you think of “search,” Google, Yahoo and Bing probably come to mind right away, with AOL, Ask.com and even Facebook possibly popping up after a few extra seconds of thinking. Well, Lycos is hoping that in 2013, you’ll recall their name too. Yes, the search engine of the ’90s is still alive and kicking, and it’s planning a resurgence next year, according to CEO Rob Balazy, who spoke with The Next Web about the company’s plans, albeit in general terms. Lycos is planning to offer content on its pages, obviating the need for users to click on links that appear in search results, which will take them off the site. Lycos’ search results are currently provided by Yahoo, but this won’t be the case in 2013.
“In the coming year you will see us introduce a new proprietary search product,” Balazy told The Next Web. “I don’t want to say too much about it as it’s still in the planning stage but we have a vision to merge the notion of a search-type activity with a curated content experience.” He added that the company hopes to get rid of the trial-and-error process that comes with clicking on a search result and hitting the “Back” browser button to go back to the search results page. All that said, Balazy said Lycos won’t aim to tackle Google, which is probably a smart move.
Ask.com has recently rolled out a polling platform that asks users for their opinions, a move that finally makes the site something akin to what its name means. It’s not a landscape-shifting move