Live From the DMI Co-op: Getting Customers to the Web

Web sites need to be compelling, convincing and compulsive in order to attract and retain customers, direct marketing and Internet consultant Robin Lebo said last week during a session at the Direct Media Mailers Co-op Conference in White Plains, NY.

As a testament to the fact that many sites are not yet up to par, she said that 31% of e-shopper’s attempts to make a purchase failed because they could not find what they wanted at a site. And, that if 25% of those misfires had succeeded e-tailers would have realized an additional $3 billion in sales.

Another 56% of shoppers gave up after the search engine failed to locate products and services that yielded a loss of $6 billion to the industry, she said.

In addition, Lebo said that advertising dollars are better spent on customer relationship management. She said that the $5 return on investment for each dollar spent on ads during the 1999 holiday season pales when compared to a $60 return for every dollar spent on customer relationship management.

She offered the following tips to ensure an effective Web site:

* Make it sticky. Use a site directory, good navigation tools, a promotion for a free catalog and a place for customers to sign up for e-mail offers.

* Make it easy and usable.

* Make it private. According to a survey, 96% of Net users believe it’s very important for Web sites to post privacy policies.

* Make it fast. If a page takes more than eight seconds to download the visitor will be gone.

* Make it personal.

* Make it strong. Support systems need to work as well as Web-based front-end systems.

* Make it professional. Answer all e-mail inquirers. Fifty percent of shopping sites and 40% of travel sites do not answer e-mail, and those numbers are on the rise, Lebo said.

* Make it interactive.

The conference ended Friday.