The United States Postal Service may add Internet addresses to its database of street addresses, asserted William J. Henderson, the 71st Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer of the USPS, yesterday at Direct Marketing Days New York’s “Welcoming Luncheon.” Henderson suggested that the postal service could “leap frog” the use of e-mail by direct marketers by building an e-commerce platform that was useful, secure, and private.
Henderson also thanked the direct marketers for the $14 billion of business the industry gave the USPS over the past year. Standard A mail has grown 6% while First Class mail has grown only 2%, he said.
Not unexpectedly, Henderson went on to point out that the industry and the post office’s good relationship is jeopardized by the privatization of postal services and pitched support for H.R. 22 (the Postal Modernization Act of 1998). In addition, he also claimed the post office was good for the economic health of the country, citing $18 billion of bills and statements it delivers each year.