Live From MTAC: Transformation Plan to have Clear Vision

[CATALOG AGE] –Postmaster General Jack Potter is hoping that the final draft of the U.S. Postal Service’s transformation plan will clearly outline the future goals of the USPS.

The agency’s initial outline was poorly received by mailers, Potter acknowledged at the Mailers Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) meeting in Washington. “The whole thing with our “discussion draft” was to get people to discuss transformation and we definitely stirred up a discussion.”

Potter promised MTAC members that “everyone is going to be pleasantly surprised in what comes out of this. This document isn’t going to be 5,000 pages, and it’s not going to have everybody’s little tweak here and there,” he said, referring to other similar plans for the Postal Service’s future, such as recent reform bills.

“We’re trying to create an overall plan of the Postal Service and where we’re going in the future,” he said. “This isn’t about a lot of little things; it’s about the big picture and where we’re going long term.”

Once the USPS releases its comprehensive transformation plan to Congress and the General Accounting Office on March 31, a clear plan will be in place, he said. “Then mailers will have plenty of opportunity to jump on it with comments