Live From DMDNY: Web Marketing Helps Lysol Clean Up

(Direct)—Reckitt Benckiser, Inc. is successfully using a combination of Web marketing and offline media to build market share for its Lysol cleaning products line.

Dadi Akhavan, president/COO of E-Centives, Inc.—the developers of Reckitt’s site—noted at DMD on Tuesday that the Wayne, NJ company is using to track online coupon redemption rates, analyze customer buying patterns and introduce new products.

The goal is to use the information to create personalized coupons for consumers.

“Don’t treat every customer the same,” said Akhavan, who noted Lysol’s system prints out coupons of different values based on things like purchase history or whether a site visitor uses a competitor’s cleaning product.

But he was careful to point out that the Web won’t work for consumer packaged goods on its own. Reckitt still needs to use such media as freestanding newspaper inserts, he said, because even though buyers generated through FSIs can’t be closely tracked, the format still has a much broader reach than the Web.

Rob Rubin, research director at Forrester Research noted that consumers are most likely to go to packaged goods company sites for coupons or information such as nutritional data and recipes.

Since consumer packaged goods are such ordinary products they’re not likely to engender a great deal of customer involvement, let alone interest, Rubin said.

“Nobody goes to a spaghetti Web site, say, because they want to go to Italy,” he quipped.

Live From DMDNY: Web Marketing Helps Lysol Clean Up

Reckitt Benckiser Inc. is successfully using a combination of Web marketing and offline media to build market share for its Lysol cleaning products line.

Dadi Akhavan, president/COO of E-Centives Inc. — the developers of Reckitt