Donnelley Marketing has launched SalesGenie Pro, a customer acquisition and retention tool for small- and medium-sized business-to-business marketers. The product is a hosted application based within Donnelley that offers query, count, analytic and campaign management capabilities. It also provides access to the 13 million firms in parent company infoUSA’s Business File for prospecting purposes, and can incorporate data from specialized third-party databases.
Unlike SalesGenie, which is primarily a new leads generation offering aimed at users down to the individual salesman or a small office/home office user, SalesGenie Pro is more likely to be licensed and used by an entire enterprise.
A basic contract for a company with a small customer file to manage costs $30,000 for companies with up to 2,000 customers, but the price scales up based on the number of records in a database. The system can accommodate up to 10 million records with 30 fields.
Donnelley anticipates releasing a version of SalesGenie Pro for consumer-focused firms by the first quarter of 2007.
Pete Giraldi, executive vice president of Donnelley Marketing, estimated the market for SalesGenie Pro encompasses 85,000 companies, based on the number of B-to-B marketers with between 20 and 500 employees.