Live From DMA07: New B-to-B Co-op Offers The Joy of Lex

The newest player in the business-to-business cooperative database space is the List Exchange Database, or LexBase, a 75-million name file from Edith Roman Associates Inc.

The file draws on more than 1,800 business-to-business mailing lists, including 24-month mail order buyers, publishers, seminar attendees, association membership lists, and e-mail databases, as well as compiled information from parent company infoUSA.

LexBase also features CAS, an electronic campaign approval system. When a LexBase name is selected, CAS sends an e-mail, which includes a link to the proposed marketing piece, to every source of that name. At least one list owner must approve the marketing piece before that prospect is viable. Only list owners who approve mailing pieces share in the revenue from the rental.

Roughly 15 million of the names on the file have e-mail addresses, according to LexBase administrator Stevan Roberts.

Roberts acknowledges that if a name is on four or five different lists, chances are good that at least one will give permission for the name to be used. But this system does allow a marketer who has a unique name — or a seed name — to protect that contact.

Like many other e-mail sources, marketers do not receive the names. InfoUSA, which owns Edith Roman, uses its ePostDirect e-mail bureau to broadcast messages.