* Belisi Fashions
* Network Security Professional Seminar
* Performance Plus Financial Files
* National Campaign to Stop Pornography
* WG&L Journal of Taxation
* Dental Economics E-Newsletter
* AEMC’s Health, Beauty and Diet Product
* In the Army Now
Belisi Fashions
Consumers who agreed to purchase three handmade silk neckties by joining the Belisi Necktie Club are listed on the Belisi Fashions file. More than 26,000 buyers are offered. These purchasers spent an average of $60 and agreed to make four additional purchases within two years. The source is the Belisi.com Web site. Nearly one-fifth of these customers are women.
Selections: Quarterly hotline, dollar amount spent (ranges), credit cards, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Belkys Reyes at 914-925-2406 or [email protected]
Network Security Professional Seminar
Direct mail and the Internet are the sources of the Network Security and Professional Seminar Attendees and Prospects list, a file consisting of 15,368 e-mail records and 4,457 postal addresses. These records identify technology network professionals who made inquiries, attended seminars or webinars or purchased materials concerning network security.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $300/M (e-mail records); $185/M (postal records)
Contact: Bethesda List Center Inc., John Rucker at 301-986-1455 or [email protected]
Performance Plus Financial Files
Three financial lists included in the new Performance Plus list group. One file, Performance Plus Qualified Mortgage Holders is a universe of more than 1 million consumers who recently used a new bankcard or retail line of credit, who also have a home mortgage. Another file identifies more than 2.6 million new retail cardholders who completed their first transaction. An “exclusive” bankcard holders file identifies 287,061 individuals with a $68,700 average income, who received new cards and completed their first transaction.
Selections: Hotlines, change of address, adult age, adult/child gender, child age range, presence of children, dwelling type, ethnicity, income, interest, language preference, mail order buyer, donor, marital status, Nielsen County, religion, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $65/M (base)
Contact: Direct Media Inc., Heather Winnicki at 203-532-3831 or [email protected]
National Campaign to Stop Pornography
Individuals who sign petitions and donate to direct mail appeals in opposition to child pornography, sexual assault and child abduction are named on the National Campaign to Stop Pornography list. The count is 246,061. These donors are generally 46 to 50 with incomes between $50,000 to $75,000.
Selections: Gender, age, income, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Midwest Direct Marketing Inc., Dorothy J. Rusk at 913-686-2220 or [email protected]
WG&L Journal of Taxation
A list of subscribers to the WG&L Journal of Taxation has been released. These 10,431 public accountants and other financial spent an average of $270 in response to direct mail. The journal focuses on tax law changes, court decisions and how to protect the assets and income of tax clients.
Selections: Gender, business address, firm type, company size, multibuyers, one per company, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $170/M
Contact: Aggressive List Management Inc., Kim Lampp at 847-304-4030, ext. 208 or [email protected]
Dental Economics E-Newsletter
PennWell Publishing Co. recently released e-mail lists of subscribers to various trade publications, including for example the Dental Economics E-Newsletter file. This list consists of 27,529 e-mail records. Subscribers are active practitioners who spend at least 20 hours per week in caring for patients.
Selections: State/SCF/ZIP
Price: $425/M
Contact: Statlistics, Dolores Broderick at 203-778-8700, ext. 112 or [email protected]
AEMC’s Health, Beauty and Diet Product
Consumers who responded to infomercial or Internet offers are named on the AEMC’s Health, Beauty and Diet Product Buyers list, which is part the new America’s Emerging Middle Class database. Products sold include vitamins, dieting and cosmetic products.
Selections: Product type, monthly hotline, age, income, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, Nancy Liddane at 212-655-5153 or [email protected]
In the Army Now
A direct mail-generated list of military personnel at base addresses was recently assembled. The In the Army Now list contains 782,176 names. This file covers all branches of military service, including the U.S. Coast Guard.
Selections: Gender, occupation, branch of service, base name, age, pay grade/rank, active duty/discharge date, home state, education source of commission, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $195/M
Contact: Davis Direct Worldwide, Andrew Jackson at 206-275-2532 or [email protected]