Listline e-Newsletter 7/9

* Frontgate/Grandin Road
* Pro Audio Review
* The China List
* Mexican Automobile Owners
* Better Golf Today
* Si Hablo Espanol for the Home
* Norm Thompson Corporate Master File
* People in the News


Frontgate/Grandin Road
Cornerstone Brands Inc. picked ALC Data Management to handle its Frontgate and Grandin Road catalog customer lists. The combined master file has more than 1.2 million names. Frontgate identifies 501,074 buyers from the last 12 months and Grandin Road 206,639. Specialists Marketing Services Inc. had been managing these files.
Selections: Hotlines, purchase amount ranges, demographic, gender, last/average purchase, lifestyle, product, state/SCF/ZIP
Sample usage, Frontgate: Boston Proper, J. Jill, Hammacher Schlemmer, Restoration Hardware, Republican National Committee, Alzheimer’s Association, Smile Train. Grandin Road: Calyx & Corolla, Exposures, Crate & Barrel, Solutions, Linen Source, Plow & Hearth, Touch of Class, Wisteria
Price: $120/M (Frontgate); $115/M (Grandin Road)
Contact: ALC Data Management, Bruce Kimmel (914-524-5249; [email protected])

Pro Audio Review
Lake Group Media Inc. recently assumed management of the Pro Audio Review file, which includes postal addresses of 28,328 subscribers and 15,506 e-mail addresses. The list names manufacturers and those with experience in commercial recording, audio for film, and broadcast products. MeritDirect was the previous list manager.
Selections: State/SCF/ZIP
Sample usage: Absolute Multimedia Inc., Aps Technologies, Casio Music, Sonic Foundry, Tapedisc Business, Videomaker
Price: $155/M (postal file); $350/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Paige McKiernan (914-925-2426; [email protected])


The China List
Separate segments from this file offer data for 10.3 million Chinese businesses, 7.3 million executives’ names, 9.2 million telephone numbers and 500,000 e-mail addresses. The sources are telemarketing and Internet research.
Selections: Telephone number, SIC code, business/industry, geographic
Price: $245/M (postal file); $345/M (telemarketing file); $350/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Bethesda List Center Inc., David James (301-986-1455, ext. 12 [email protected])

Mexican Automobile Owners
More than 1.7 million car owners are listed. Data is derived from a master file of direct response buyers. Additional sources include direct mail and telemarketing surveys.
Selections: Age, gender, socioeconomic level, geographic
Price: $225/M
Contact: Infocore Inc., Tom Mack Jr. (760-607-2500, ext. 13; [email protected])

Better Golf Today
This is a list of 377,855 customers who bought golf training products during the last 12 months. Most are married men age 55 to 70 earning about $100,000 a year. The unit of sale was $100 via direct mail.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M (base)
Contact: List Services Corp., Joe Gonzales (203-791-4184; [email protected])

Si Hablo Espanol for the Home
This file names more than 1 million subscribers to shelter magazines published in Spanish. It includes subscribers to decorating, gardening, woodworking and home improvement magazines.
Selections: Monthly hotline, category, household income, age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: List Bargains Division, Media Source Solutions, Amy Benicewicz (203-746-6640; [email protected])


Norm Thompson Corporate Master File
A selection for buyers at business address has been added to this master file. The more than 2 million listed here bought from the Norm Thompson, Solutions, Sahalie and Gold Violin catalogs.
Additional selections: Hotlines, purchase amount, product categories, product tied to recency, change of address, credit card sold, demographic, gift givers, last/average purchase, single/multibuyers, multicatalog buyers, sale, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $70/M
Contact: Millard Group Inc., Robin Lyons (914-697-5861; [email protected])

People in the News
Jim Gallagher has joined Leon Henry Inc.’s LH Management Division as an account executive. Gallagher will focus on lists such as Creative Age, Hecht Rubber Co., Cambridge Communications Group, CCC Data and the LifestyleBase files. He previously worked for Direct Media Inc.