Listline e-Newsletter 7/18

* All About College and Pro Football Betting
* Doba
* Conscious Consumers Aroma Therapy
* Only Natural Pet Store
* Introducing Jill Amato of Enertex Marketing Inc.
* Blindness Foundation Chooses Broker
* American Fundraising Multi-Donors
* NIBM Master File


All About College and Pro Football Betting
VentureDirect Worldwide has been appointed to manage 81,044 postal and e-mail addresses of football fans for Sports Info Group. Its list consists of paid subscribers of Pro Football Weekly, book buyers and other kinds of information buyers interested in betting. Space advertising and direct mail are the sources. List Authority formerly managed this file.
Selections: City, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (postal file); $150/M (e-mail file)
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, John Serrano (212-655-5135; [email protected])


A master file of 617,661 entrepreneurs interested in selling products through online auctions and Web sites has become available from Doba Inc. The company provides online access to product wholesalers that offer drop shipping services. Canadian names are available. The Internet is the source.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: American Name Services, Wendy Harwood (801-235-8061; [email protected])

Conscious Consumers Aroma Therapy
Postal and e-mail addresses are available for 251,840 consumers who use candles, incense and scented oils for relaxation. Individuals with interests such as mediation and yoga are included in this file. Sources include direct mail and survey data.
Selections: Age, gender, household income, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: List Bargains Division, Media Source Solutions, Mary Jane Acito (914-617-8138; [email protected])


Only Natural Pet Store
The updating frequency has been increased to quarterly for the Only Natural Pet Store list. A total of 135,403 buyers are on file. The unit of sale was $50. An average customer is 45 years old, earning $70,000. The sources are a catalog and the Internet.
Selections: Hotlines, cats/dogs, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Walter Karl Inc., Mireille St. Armand at 845-732-7056; [email protected])


Introducing Jill Amato of Enertex Marketing Inc.
This week, Meet the Broker features Jill Amato, whose specialty is show business. Her gig is to find lists of ticket buyers for performing arts organizations. For the full story, click here (

Blindness Foundation Chooses Broker
The Foundation for Fighting Blindness Inc. has chosen List Services Fundraising to serve as its list broker. The foundation supports research and treatments for prevention of blindness. Contact Jodi Henry (239-263-4350; [email protected])


American Fundraising Multi-Donors
A $10/M discount off the base price is being offered on test orders (10,000 to 25,000 records) during August and September for this list of nearly 2.3 million donors. The brokerage commission is 30%. Contact Cornerstone Group of Companies, Lynda Robinson (416-932-9555, ext 117; [email protected])

NIBM Master File
The National Institute of Business Management is offering test and retest mailers $15/M off the base price of its master file. It has a list of 83,493 subscribers and buyers. Contact Lake Group Media Inc., Daniel Grubert (914-925-2449; [email protected])