– Postal
This file names more than 82,063 online-sourced professionals who use this firm’s services.
Selections: Annual revenue, number of employees, purchasing authority/product, job title/function, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $175/M
Contact: Worldata (561-393-8200; [email protected])
–Quartz Promotions Sweepstakes Responders Enhanced
Over the past 12 months, 150,000 direct mail-sold individuals responded to postcard sweepstakes offers.
Selections: Age, gender, income, travel, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: List Services Corp., Bonny Rodger (203-791-4447; [email protected])
–FormSend Tax, Legal, Real Estate and Business E-Mail Master File
Reach 45,000 small office home office online buyers and users of forms.
Selections: Personalization, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: MetaResponse Group, Diane Dubocq (954-360-0644; [email protected])
–North Shore Animal League M-Gen Enhanced
Named here are 408,348 direct mail-sold individuals whose records have been enhanced with data from the Marketing Genetics BuyerBase.
Selections: Age, category, purchase amount, income, sales channel, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $75/M
Contact: Direct Media/Millard, John Briley (203-532-3770; [email protected])
–Smooth Away TV Buyers by Idea Village
Direct response television is the source for 235,577 skin cream buyers.
Selections: Last 30 days, gender, year, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Impulse Media Inc., Ed Bocknik (203-227-0227; [email protected])