–CareerMine Temporary Employment Seekers
This file names 375,000 job seekers derived from more than 20,000 job/career sites.
Selections: Hotlines, age, education level, gender, hobbies, household income, languages spoken, marital status, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $120/M
Contact: List Solutions, Sandy Ostrander (732-729-0500 ext. 17; [email protected])
–Scroll Saw Woodworking and Crafts Buyers
Direct mail is the source of 20,214 individuals named on this file.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: List Services Corp., Kerri Matteo (203-791-4104; [email protected])
–Buyer Advantage Businesses E-Mail
Named here are more than four million businesses sourced from various direct response vehicles.
Selections: Contact names, ethnicity, executives by title, individual businesses, minority-owned businesses, number of employees, population code, primary SIC, sales volume, women-owned businesses, year started, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $120/M
Contact: Focus USA (201-489-2525; [email protected])
–NCS Catalog Buyers
A total of 26,183 individuals are listed on this file.
Selections: Phone number, gender, business type, e-mail address, last 12 months, last 36 months, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $105/M
Contact: Information Refinery, Brahm Schenkman (800-529-9020; [email protected])
–Amerilink Affluent Americans
Named here are 3.5 million well-to-do individuals.
Selections: Age, bankruptcy suppression, county, census data, corrective lens wearers, dwelling type, education level, ethnic code, family position code, gender, length of residence, mail order buyers, marital status, number of children, net worth, occupation, phone number, race code, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $55/M
Contact: KnowledgeBase Marketing, Peggy Garner (713- 995-2358; [email protected])