Listline e-Newsletter 5/12

–American Chemical Society
Infocus Lists has won management of this file naming 115,452 members of this professional scientific organization. VentureDirect Worldwide was the previous manager.
Selections: International, membership type, job title, nature of business/industry, interest/chemical specialty, ACS publications, technical division, type of degree, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Infocus, (800-708-5478; [email protected])

–Handyman Master File
This file names more than 109,113 postal and over 98,132 e-mail generated individuals who offer repair services for home and business owners.
Selections: Gender, recency, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M (postal); $200/M (e-mail)
Contact: Worldata (561-393-8200; [email protected])

–Merchant Autopay Direct Buying Clubs
In the past 12 months, 100,000 individuals sourced from telemarketing and direct response television bought discount club memberships.
Selections: Phone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: List Services Corp., John Brady (203-791-4191; [email protected])

–Registered Nurses at Home E-Mail
Named here are 383,045 medical professionals who opted-in to receive e-mail offers.
Selections: Age, gender, income, job function/title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $250/M
Contact: PCS Mailing List Co., (978-532-7100 ext. 110; [email protected])

–American Psychiatric Publishing Inc. Book Buyers
Reach 81,920 direct mail-sold buyers of books and journals from this subsidiary of the American Psychiatric Association.
Selections: Age, gender, income, job function/title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $130/M
Contact: Aggressive List Marketing Inc., (217-787-2029; [email protected])

–Small Changes and Planning Can Make Your Expires Work
By James P. Chiavelli
Sure, times are tough, money is tight and uncertainty is the mood of the moment. While a mailer’s first reaction might be to cut, cut, cut, it is also time for some reflection. Are you making the best possible use of your expires? Click for more

Listline e-Newsletter 5/12

* Tekakwitha Indian Missions
* American Lung Association Political Master File
* Hidden Value Alert Newsletter Subscribers
* Financial Responders Opt In
* Second Chance Auto Loans
* Auction Monster Home Business Support
* Faith Base Magazine Subscribers
* People in the News


Tekakwitha Indian Missions
Lake Group Media Inc. has been selected to manage a list of donors to the Missionary Oblate’s Tekakwitha Missions program. A total of 62,631 donors from the last 12 months are on file. These direct mail contributors typically gave $15 to $20. Direct Media Inc. was the prior list manager.
Selections: Dollar amount, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Jed Dorney (914-925-2476; [email protected])


American Lung Association Political Master File
Data from Key Marketing Advantage has been appended to the American Lung Association’s master file to identify political donors. Several segments are available for Democrats and Republicans. The last-12-month counts are 90,106 and 74,487 respectively. The average direct mail donation was $13. Eighty percent of these contributors are 50 or older. A large percent are retired.
Selections: Hotlines, donation amount (ranges), ethnicity, income, lifestyle, gender, religion, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., Carol Forbes (203-825-4634; [email protected])

Hidden Value Alert Newsletter Subscribers
Eastman Communications Inc. offers a list of 3,621 subscribers to the Hidden Value Alert e-mail newsletter for investors. Roughly three-quarters are men. The unit of sale ranged from $100 to $180. Direct mail and the are the sources.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $195/M
Contact: Macromark Inc., Paula Dazi (845-230-6300, ext. 349; [email protected])

Financial Responders Opt In
Master files have been assembled that identify individuals who requested information related to personal finance, money, investments or similar offers. More than 3.5 million e-mail addresses and 917,095 postal addresses are available. Eighty percent of those listed are men with a $90,000 average income. Direct e-mail is the source.
Selections: Monthly hotline, age, gender, homeowner, income, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M (e-mail file); $100/M (postal file)
Contact: Carney Direct Marketing, Jim Kellough (949-581-5100, ext. 316; [email protected])

Second Chance Auto Loans
More than 2.5 million consumers who were turned down for auto loans are named. These individuals responded to an auto loan offer for new or used cars. Postal and telemarketing records are available. The sources are online registration and direct mail.
Selections: Weekly hotline, age, income, credit card, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M (postal file); $120/M (telemarketing file)
Contact: Market Approach Consulting, Nancy Liddane (866-410-7017, ext. 108; [email protected])

Auction Monster Home Business Support
This file identifies 9,642 buyers from March. These consumers pay $53 monthly for online software access and information related to onlne auctions. Names for 223,408 inquirers from March are available as well. The sources are the Internet and DRTV.
Selections: State/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: List Acquisition Inc., Noah Markel (877-575-2739; ext. 3002; [email protected])

Faith Base Magazine Subscribers
This list is comprised of religious individuals who subscribe to one or more magazines. Nearly 1.2 million names are on file. A typical subscriber is 42 and has $39,000 or better income. Direct mail is the source with additional overlaid data.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, mail order buyer, recency, multibuyers, age, income, ethnicity, religion, lifestyle, category, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: Trinity Direct, Bob Stein (973-283-3600; [email protected])

People in the News
RMI Direct Marketing Inc. has announced two executive appointments in its list management division. Alan Yu has been named strategic sales director. Dan Gallo has come on board as an account executive.