–American Chemical Society
Infocus Lists has won management of this file naming 115,452 members of this professional scientific organization. VentureDirect Worldwide was the previous manager.
Selections: International, membership type, job title, nature of business/industry, interest/chemical specialty, ACS publications, technical division, type of degree, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Infocus, (800-708-5478; [email protected])
–Handyman Master File
This file names more than 109,113 postal and over 98,132 e-mail generated individuals who offer repair services for home and business owners.
Selections: Gender, recency, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M (postal); $200/M (e-mail)
Contact: Worldata (561-393-8200; [email protected])
–Merchant Autopay Direct Buying Clubs
In the past 12 months, 100,000 individuals sourced from telemarketing and direct response television bought discount club memberships.
Selections: Phone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: List Services Corp., John Brady (203-791-4191; [email protected])
–Registered Nurses at Home E-Mail
Named here are 383,045 medical professionals who opted-in to receive e-mail offers.
Selections: Age, gender, income, job function/title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $250/M
Contact: PCS Mailing List Co., (978-532-7100 ext. 110; [email protected])
–American Psychiatric Publishing Inc. Book Buyers
Reach 81,920 direct mail-sold buyers of books and journals from this subsidiary of the American Psychiatric Association.
Selections: Age, gender, income, job function/title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $130/M
Contact: Aggressive List Marketing Inc., (217-787-2029; [email protected])
–Small Changes and Planning Can Make Your Expires Work
By James P. Chiavelli
Sure, times are tough, money is tight and uncertainty is the mood of the moment. While a mailer’s first reaction might be to cut, cut, cut, it is also time for some reflection. Are you making the best possible use of your expires? Click for more