Listline e-Newsletter 4/20

–GameSpot Weekly Specials E-Mail Master File
This file names more than 1.1 million individuals who visited CBS Interactive gaming and commercial Web sites.
Selections: Age range, city, gender, type of game, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: MeritDirect, Nicole Calisi (914-368-1046; [email protected])

–Auto Insurance Renewals
In March, 286,870 people sourced from surveys either had or were about to have their vehicular insurance expire.
Selections: Age group, income, lifestyle, gender, by month, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $115/M
Contact: Macromark, Mary Ellen Meyer (845-230-6300 ext. 324; [email protected])

–Bankers, Tellers and Loan Officers at Home
Bankers, Tellers and Loan Officers at Home
Named here are 689,730 financial professionals at their residences. They are identified as mail order buyers.
Selections: Phone numbers, credit card used, purchase amount, income, job title, method of payment, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $75/M
Contact: PCS Mailing List Co., (978-732-7100 ext. 110; [email protected])

–Hispanic Health, Beauty and Exercise
This compilation names 788,128 individuals reportedly committed to a moderate lifestyle.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, phone number, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: Byrum & Fleming, Pamela LeMaitre (800-850-1711; [email protected])

–Medical Ailments E-Mail Master File
More than 17.5 million individuals who requested information online have agreed to receive marketing e-mails.
Selections: Age range, ailment, credit card buyers, demographics, dwelling type, ethnicity, gender, income, marital status, monthly hotline, phone number, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $200/M
Contact: Take 5 Solutions, Alex Radetich (561-819-5555 ext. 112; [email protected])