* Cheaptrips.com Members at Postal Address
* Video Age Catalog
* All Star Home Security
* VFW Nonmember Donor Cat and Dog Owners
* MarketShare Diet, Health and Fitness
* Moorehouse Intent Home Equity Loan
* Boca Java Insert Program
* Title Nine Catalog
Cheaptrips.com Members at Postal Address
ACA/Cheap Trips has a list of 84,728 members from the last 24 months. Members paid $40 to $200 by credit card for travel-related services and benefits. Seventy percent paid the full amount for lifetime memberships. The sources are the Internet and telemarketing.
Selections: Gender, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: Adrea Rubin Management Inc., Ed Bezursik (646-487-3792; [email protected])
Video Age Catalog
Some 100,000 adult video purchasers are identified on this file, including 40,000 first quarter buyers. A typical customer is a 43-year-old married man with a $50,000 annual income. The average sale was $57.
Selections: Gender, credit card, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: Macromark Inc., Star Rell (845-230-6300, ext. 331; [email protected])
All Star Home Security
Consumers who responded to an offer for a home security alarm are named. The average monthly hotline count is 3,150. Those listed filled out an online form at AllStarHomeSecurity.com.
Selections: Gender, SCF
Price: $100/M (monthly hotline)
Contact: Net60 LLC, Chaim Lazar (201-833-9003, ext. 102; [email protected])
VFW Nonmember Donor Cat and Dog Owners
Here’s a list of pet owners who contributed to the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization but are not members. A total of 272,900 cat owners and 377,009 dog owners are listed. The source is direct mail.
Selections: Hotlines, age, dollar amount, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: RMI Direct Marketing Inc., Dan Hennessy (203-825-4641; [email protected])
MarketShare Diet, Health and Fitness
This is a list of people who