Listline e-Newsletter 4/02

–Will Kits Mail Order Buyers
SMD Media Services Inc. has assumed management of this file naming 603,862 purchasers of a product to help people do estate planning without lawyers. Belardi Ostroy was the previous manager.
Selections: Age range, dwelling type, gender, homeowner, household income, Nielsen county, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: SMD Media Services Inc, Laurie DeLuca (845-279-6536; [email protected])

–Abbott Cards
MeritDirect has taken over management of this file of 1,910 first-quarter business buyers of greeting cards and other stationery items. The average purchase is $200. Direct Media was the former manager.
Selections: State/SCF/ZIP
Price: $120/M
Contact: MeritDirect, Christine Greco, 914-368-1022; [email protected])

–United Wealth Institute Buyers
During the first quarter, 4.667 direct mail-sold individuals paid $17.95 for a book and DVD explaining a money-making system based on home foreclosures.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Macromark, Dave Boyd (845-230-6300 ext.327; [email protected])

–Now is the Time Infomercial Buyers
More than 1.5 million individuals named on this list have bought all manner of products through infomercials. Their average age is 45 and they spend an average of $60 on these products.
Selections: Amount purchased, age, cash buyers, credit card buyers, gender, homeowner, household income, monthly hotline, multiple buyers, phone number, product category, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Aggressive List Management Inc., sales team (217-787-2029; [email protected])

–Science Experimenters
Named here are 179,700 buyers of computers, telescopes, lasers and other scientific products sourced from direct mail and the Internet.
Selections: Area code, Congressional district, county code, hotline, phone number, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $70/M
Contact: Charles Moore Associates, sales (215-355-6084; [email protected])