Listline e-Newsletter 3/30

–Association of Black Cardiologists
This file names 1,223 health advocates belonging to an organization seeking to reduce cardiovascular disease in minority populations.
Selections: State/SCF/ZIP
Price: $550/F
Contact: Infocus Lists (800-708-5478; [email protected])

–HQ Magazine
Named here are 65,000 recipients of the McGraw-Hill publication for senior executives in a variety of industries.
Selections: Business/industry type, gender, job title, annual revenue, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $135/M
Contact: Edith Roman, Michael Constantino (845-731-2748; [email protected])

–Bottom Line Wealth Newsletter Subscribers
Direct mail is the source of 55,586 subscribers to this monthly consumer publication; 57% are men.
Selections: Paid, gender, home/business hotlines, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $115/M
Contact: Bottom Line Lists, Amy Altmann (203-973-6222; [email protected])

–Uni-Med Ailments by Medication
In the past month, 500,000 individuals answered online surveys about their health conditions. They are mostly age 65 and older.
Selections: Age, credit card, income range, phone number, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $160/M
Contact: Lighthouse List Co., Mark Traverso (954-489-3008 ext, 209; [email protected])

Toys to Grow is offering a test promotion of $50 per thousand for non-competitive offers on its file of 158,500 last-12-month buyers. Contact Caroline Gensone at Belardi Ostroy (212-384-1741; [email protected])