–NBA Opt-in E-Mail Subscribers
This file names more than 1.4 million online-sourced subscribers to the Web site. Eighty-eight percent of the file is male and 50% have children in the household.
Selections: Age, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact:, Cathy Cannon (858-754-3005; [email protected])
–Hoodiatyme Weight Loss Buyers
During February, 16,528 individuals sourced from direct response television and the Internet paid as much as $199.95 for this health supplement. Sixty-eight percent are women.
Selections: Age, gender, household income, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: Macromark, Dave Boyd (845-230-6300 ext. 327; [email protected])
–Hispanic Book Buyers by State
More than 5.1 million individuals extracted from a master file have consented to receive marketing materials online.
Selections: Age, credit card buyers, dwelling type, education, gender, homeowner, income, lifestyle, mail order buyers, occupation, phone number, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Ethnic Technologies, Candace Kennedy (201-440-8923; [email protected])
–Women’s Spirituality Forum
Named here are 72,872 book buyers and event attendees derived from direct mail and workshops.
Selections: Gender, recency, specialty, title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: HR Direct, David Hawthorne (641-472-7188; [email protected])
–Thompson Publishing Group Book Buyers
Reach 5,731 professionals sourced from direct mail and telemarketing.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $160/M
Contact: Edith Roman, Michael Constantino (845-731-2748; [email protected])