Listline e-Newsletter 3/06

This file names more than 104,093 human professional professionals drawn from several different direct marketing sources. The file is updated monthly.
Selections: Employee size, home/business address, recency, job title/function, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $235/M
Contact: Worldata, (561-393-8200; [email protected])

–Meredith Annual Recipes Master File
During 2008, 71,200 direct mail-sold individuals bought cookbooks.
Selections: Change of address, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $114/M
Contact: American List Counsel, RisaCurtis (609-580-2756; [email protected])

–Grant Funding Search Program Buyers
In the past month, these 35,003 people bought compact discs online to help find federal and private funding opportunities.
Selections: Weekly hotline, gender, homeowner/renter, income, age, credit card holder, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Macromark, Dave Boyd (845-230-6327; [email protected])

–B2B Nonprofit Organizations
This compiled file names 1.5 million tax-exempt clubs and organizations.
Selections: Gender, organization type, title addressing, county code, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $70/M
Contact: Boutique List Services Inc., Debbie Morgan (845-271-4080; [email protected])

–Sacred Heart League Mass Card Donors
Over the past 12 months, 266,522 direct mail-sold individuals gave an average of $10 to this organization which tries to offer comfort to the bereaved.
Selections: Gender, contribution amount, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: Direct Media Inc. John Briley (203) 532-3770; [email protected])

–Meet the Broker: Carolyn Woodruff, executive vice president at Direct Media Inc
Today we meet Carolyn Woodruff , executive vice president at Direct Media Inc. in Stamford, CT. Woodruff is a longtime player in the industry who believes no matter what the state of the economy, there’s always opportunity, provided you can discern the market and articulate your plans to your clients. And, it doesn’t hurt to show plenty of entrepreneurial spirit either. Click for more (