–Drive Automobile Owners
A database comprised of more than 16.5 million automobile owners has been assembled. Those listed purchased warranties for $1,300 to $2,900. The sources are direct mail (65%), telemarketing (25%) and the Internet (10%).
Selections: Automotive year/make/model, telephone number, new/used car purchase, last service date, last sales date, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: DirectInnovations Inc., Herb Torgersen (404-402-2825; [email protected])
–Compass Marketing Solutions
Postal and e-mail addresses are available for more than 4.1 million consumers, organized by type of Internet connection, e-mail service provider and lifestyle data. These individuals opted in to receive information at a variety of Web landing pages. Those listed are typically 35 to 54 and have an estimated household income in excess of $75,000.
Selections: Adult