* DimensionManufacturing.com
* Agile Software Developers from InfoQ
* Ethnic Premium Retail Catalog Buyers
* Brentwood Opportunity Seekers
* Help Me Stay Healthy/Menopause
* HDSI Female New Homeowners
* Rockler Woodworking and Hardware Enhanced Buyers
* Compassionate Contributors
Postal (92,721) and e-mail (78,553) addresses from DimensionManufacturing.com are on file. This list is comprised of individuals who oversee the manufacture of consumer products from food to furniture; or the production of materials, such as paper, plastics and textiles.
Selections: Number of employees, sales revenue, recency, SIC code, source, title/job function, telephone number, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M (postal file); $200/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson (561-393-8200, ext. 176; [email protected])
Agile Software Developers from InfoQ
E-mail addresses for 68,394 software developers, information technology managers and other IT professionals are available. This file from InfoQ.com targets individuals concerned with Agile software methodology.
Selections: Job title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $450/M
Contact: L.I.S.T. Inc., Steve Brinley (914-765-0700; [email protected])
Ethnic Premium Retail Catalog Buyers
This master file consists of the names of more than 8 million consumers who made catalog purchases. An average customer is 45, married (74%) with children (67%). The average catalog purchase was $67.
Selections: Adult