* Geiger Business Products
* Pink Magazine
* Primedia Powerbase Z-24 Master File
* Special Olympics Christian Donors
* Natcom Publications Health and Fitness
* BuyBeauty.com PIP
* NameWorks DM Master File
* American Bar Association
* Business Entrepreneurs Master File
Geiger Business Products
MeritDirect has assumed management of the Geiger Business Products list. More than 13,000 buyers from this year are named. These customers spend on average $1,000 annually for custom imprinted products such as shirts and caps, pens, calculators, tote bags and luggage tags. Rubin Response Management Services Inc. was the prior list manager.
Price: $110/M (2006 buyers)
Contact: MeritDirect, Kristen Killingback at 914-368-1062 or [email protected]
Pink Magazine
Subscribers to Pink Magazine are primarily professional women who are executives at or owners of small to medium size businesses. More than 25,000 postal subscribers to this hybrid business and lifestyle publication are available. Thirty percent of these women have job titles such as CEO, CIO, CTO and CFO. A typical subscriber is 27 to 55 years old. Release of a corresponding e-mail list is pending.
Selections: Business/home address, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $115/M
Contact: Direct Media Inc., Mike Mayhew at 203-532-2418 or [email protected]
Primedia Powerbase Z-24 Master File
More than 70% of the individuals listed on the Primedia Powerbase Z-24 master file have made purchases from two or more catalogs. The last-12-month count is 303,940. This file has been built with data from Primedia’s subscription lists and enhanced with data from the Z-24 cooperative database. It includes subscribers to Motor Trend, Automobile and Hot Rod magazines. Roughly three-quarters of those listed are men.
Selections: Recency, source, paid, age, income, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: Specialists Marketing Services Inc., Amy Lyons at 201-865-5800, ext. 2216 or [email protected] and Josh Vicente at 201-865-5800, ext. 2205 or [email protected]
Special Olympics Christian Donors
The Special Olympics is offering several new list segments including one with 292,837 Christian faith donors. Segments with Roman Catholics and Protestant donors are available. No telemarketing is allowed. Direct mail is the source.
Selections: Donors $10-plus/$20-plus, ethnicity, presence of children, religion, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: ALC Data Management, Rich DiVirgilio or 914-524-5227 or [email protected]
Natcom Publications Health and Fitness
A total of 206,482 names have been assembled for the Natcom Publications Health and Fitness list. This is a combined list of subscribers to various outdoor recreation magazines. The list includes subscribers to such titles as Gold Illustrated, Bassin’ and Crappie World magazines.
Price: $90/M
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson at 561-393-8200, ext. 176 or [email protected]
BuyBeauty.com PIP
Inserts will be included in 81,000 packages shipped annually to customers of BuyBeauty.com. The majority of these customers are women 46 to 65. Inserts must be 3-1/2 by 5-1/2 inches to 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches. The maximum weight is one quarter once.
Price: $60/M
Contact: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., Theresa Juliano at 914-285-3456 or [email protected]
NameWorks DM Master File
A selection for grandparents has been added to the NameWorks DM master file. Some 592,242 grandparents are named on a quarterly hotline. The overall list count exceeds 11.2 million names. Individuals listed here have responded to multiple direct mail offers. Telemarketing inquiries will be considered.
Additional selections: Hotlines, new movers, mail order buyers, adult’s/child’s age ranges, adult’s/child’s gender, homeowner, length of residence, lifestyle, marital status, presence/number of children, teenagers, income range, demographic, ethnicity, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $75/m
Contact: NameWorks Online, Katie Gallagher at 203-746-7389 or [email protected]
American Bar Association
New test mailers receive $25/M off the base price of the American Bar Association’s master file. Some 627,237 names are available. Contact Lake Group Media Inc., Daniel Grubert at 914-925-2449 or [email protected]
Business Entrepreneurs Master File
A 30% broker discount is being offered for the Business Entrepreneurs master file. More than 16.6 million names are on file. Contact Noble Ventures, Sandra Petrin at 800-299-8280 or [email protected]