* Continuing Education
* ProFlowers Z-24
* Neiman Marcus/Horchow Enhanced
* Brite Smile Teeth Whitening Upscale Responders
* HealthLeaders Magazine
* Human Resources 21 Newsletter Subs
* Grandparents Best Book Buyers
* Nextel Series Race Event Fans and Attendees
Continuing Education
More than 2.5 million who registered online at iThinkBig.com are listed. These people requested information from various universities. The average age of those on the file is 46, typical household income $47,000 a year.
Selections: Quarterly hotline, age range, child’s age, credit card, donor, education level, ethnicity, gender, homeowner, income range, lifestyle, mail order, hotlines, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: Direct Partner Solutions Inc., Herb Torgersen at 678-762-9869 or [email protected]
ProFlowers Z-24
Experian demographic and CircBase subscriber data overlays were used to create ProFlowers Z-24, a list identifying nearly 1.7 million catalog and Internet buyers from the last 12 months. Fifty-six product category selects are offered, including furniture, hunting, sweets and tools.
Selections: Product category, adult’s/child’s age, dollar amount of sale, income, recency, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Walter Karl Inc., Maureen Northey at 845-732-7035 or [email protected]
Neiman Marcus/Horchow Enhanced
Names of those who made purchases from the Neiman Marcus and Horchow catalogs were combined to create a single file enhanced with Donnelley lifestyle and demographic data. These 603,835 customers — 22% are men — spent an average of $160. No telemarketing is allowed.
Selections: Dollar amount spent (ranges), hotlines, age, change of address, homeowner, home value, household income, lifestyle, net worth, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $115/M
Contact: ALC Data Management, Marianne DiLoreto at 914-524-5226 or [email protected]
Brite Smile Teeth Whitening Upscale Responders
Some 274,859 suburbanites age 35 and older are the core audience represented on this file. Their median annual household income is $90,000. Direct mail and telemarketing are the sources.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Infocore Inc., Carrie James at 760-607-2500, ext.19 or [email protected]
HealthLeaders Magazine
HCRPro Inc. is offering a file of 41,369 subscribers to HealthLeaders, a magazine it acquired in August. Healthcare managers, physicians, and administrators and staff at hospitals, assisted living and similar facilities are listed.
Selections: Business/home address, number of employees, income, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson at 561-393-8200, ext. 176 or [email protected]
Human Resources 21 Newsletter Subs
Business 21 Publishing LLC is offering more than 28,000 e-mail addresses. Subscribers paid $349. Postal and telemarketing files have been available for some time.
Selections: One per site (for half the file), state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $350/M
Contact: Greatlists.com, Phil Dismuties at 800-296-0888 or [email protected] and Amy Zirkle at 703-821-8130 or [email protected]
Grandparents Best Book Buyers
This is a file of some 91,700 names. An average order for personalized books was $20. Space advertising is the source. No telemarketing is allowed.
Selections: Monthly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: Gnames Advantage L.P., Stacy Abron at 972-871-2828, ext. 229 or [email protected]
Nextel Series Race Event Fans and Attendees
Data compiled from on-site surveys and sweepstakes are the sources for this file. There are more than 348,000 postal addresses and nearly 136,000 names of telemarketing customers listed, most of them men.
Selections: Adult’s/child’s age ranges, mail order buyers, income, marital status, telephone numbers, occupation, demographic, ethnicity, areas of interest, credit card, presence of children, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M
Contact: Compiled Solutions, Alyson Cimler at 609-275-2900, ext. 101 or [email protected]