Listline e-Newsletter 11/05/07

* Medical Alert Service Buyers
* Renaissance Conservatories Luxury Home Architects and Contractors
* Dean Graziosi Be a Real Estate Millionaire
* Alpha Media Group Sports Enthusiasts
* Telecommunications Interest Respondent
* Pediatric Nursing Certification Board
* British Library Books Carry Insert Advertising
* Justice for Girls


Medical Alert Service Buyers
Some 750,000 buyers, including 200,000 from the last 12 months are named. These health-conscious consumers purchased a medical identification card with contact information and an online medical profile. The unit of sale was $180 for individuals or $255 for a family covering up to six persons. Direct mail and telemarketing are the sources.
Selections: Monthly hotline, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M (last-12-month buyers)
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, Lisa Truong (212-655-5110; [email protected])

Renaissance Conservatories Luxury Home Architects and Contractors
This postal list is comprised of 14,086 architects and contractors who receive Renaissance Conservatories’ Architecture Design Guide or its catalog. It includes buyers and individuals who registered at a Web site, among other sources.
Selections: Business type, gender, recipient, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $145/M
Contact: Information Refinery Inc., Brahm Schenkman (201-529-2600; [email protected])

Dean Graziosi Be a Real Estate Millionaire
Nearly 40,000 opportunity seekers are identified on this list, including more than 17,000 names from September. These individuals spent at least $25 to purchase a book on real estate investing. The source is a 30-minute infomercial.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $120/M
Contact: Macromark Inc., Cathy Gilmore (845-230-6300, ext. 305; [email protected])

Alpha Media Group Sports Enthusiasts
This file is comprised of subscribers to titles published by Alpha Media Group Inc. who reportedly are sports fans. The count exceeds 2.2 million. It includes subscribers to the men’s lifestyle magazines Maxim and Stuff and the general interest music magazine Blender.
Selections: Age, gender, income, recency, one per company, change of address, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100.M
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson (561-393-8200, ext. 176; [email protected])

Telecommunications Interest Respondent
More than 3 million names have been assembled for this file. These consumers responded to online offers or visited Web sites for information about telephone or fax services, voice mail or personalized ring tones for mobile phones. More than 1.6 million records with phone numbers are available.
Selections: Area of interest, hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M
Contact: Kroll Direct Marketing Inc., Gwen Coryell (609-275-2900, ext. 118; [email protected])


Pediatric Nursing Certification Board
A total of 6,562 names have been assembled for this file. These nurses have passed various exams to receive board certification.
Selections: Gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Infocus Marketing Inc., Beth Donley (800-708-5478, ext. 3248; [email protected])


British Library Books Carry Insert Advertising
Howse Jackson Marketing Ltd. plans to expand a new insert media program for distributing advertising inside of library books in the United Kingdom — nationwide by the middle of next year.

“Library inserts are innovative, unique and offer audience segments which traditionally can be hard to reach. Using library books as an advertising media provides additional revenue for the libraries to invest in books and therefore allows advertisers to contribute directly to local communities,” said in a statement Mark Jackson, business development director at Howse Jackson Marketing, a list and insert media firm based in Aylesbury, U.K.

Separate programs for county libraries have been launched in partnership with Brandspace CMS, a promotional space buying service based in London. Howse Jackson is managing the programs and arranging for placement of inserts in half a million books borrowed.

Each month a new insert media campaign will be launched. Library patrons will receive only one insert, regardless of the number of books borrowed. The maximum weight of inserts accepted will be 9 grams.

Based on its expansion plans, Howse Jackson expects to be distributing more than 3 million inserts per month by the middle of 2008.

The data card price runs the equivalent of $94/M and brokers are being offered a 10% commission.


Justice for Girls
Selections are free for test orders through Nov. 30 for the Limited Too girls apparel buyers file. More than 3.7 million names are available from the last 12 months. Contact List Services Corp., Lesley Gibson (203-791-4175; [email protected])