* CoolSavings Households With Children
* Businesses With Credit Rating
* Eli Healthcare Network
* Mail Order Donors
* Oil and Gas Professionals E-mail
* CMS Consumer Database
* Bare Necessities PIP
* Edgell’s Business Technology
CoolSavings Households With Children
More than 3.6 million names are offered on the CoolSavings Households With Children master file. This data is derived from the Web site CoolSavings.com, where demographics, personal shopping preferences and category interest data are collected. About 18% of these individuals are men.
Selections: Hotlines, credit cards, ethnicity, income, number of children, occupation, education, lifestyle, mail order buyers, child age, birth date, donors, ownership, age, books, sports, music, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Lake Group Media Inc., Daniel Baldino at 914-925-2426 or [email protected]
Businesses With Credit Rating
The Business 6.0 list group now offers Businesses With Credit Rating, a list with 13.5 million names. Segments are available for three categories of credit ratings. This file is available for rental, database enhancements and licensing. Sources include Yellow Pages, newly registered Web sites, utilities and public notices advertising.
Selections: Telephone numbers, contact name, telephone/fax numbers, SIC codes, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Lighthouse List Co., Mark Traverso at 800-684-2180, ext. 209 or [email protected]
Eli Healthcare Network
Eli Research offers more than 1.2 million names on the Eli Healthcare Network list. This file consists of physicians, nurses, healthcare managers, assistants and other professionals in the healthcare industry. The sources are direct mail and the Internet.
Selections: Number of employees, recency, gender, home/business address, newsletter title, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $175/M (postal file); $200/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson at 561-393-8200, ext. 176 or [email protected]
Mail Order Donors
Some 8.5 million individuals are listed on the Mail Order Donors file. These individuals contributed to an average of 14 charities. Those named have a median age of 42 and median income of $50,000. Sources include direct mail and online surveys, transactions and other data.
Selections: Monthly hotline, gender, age, income, homeowners, children, sweepstakes entrants, book buyers, magazine subscribers, donors by type, bank cardholders, Internet connected, sports interest, mail order buyer categories, music interest, travelers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $55/M
Contact: Focus USA, Lori Collins at 603-635-1842 or [email protected]
Oil and Gas Professionals E-mail
Hart Energy Publishing LP has released an e-mail list of individuals who work in the oil and gas industries. Segments offers 37,499 e-mail addresses from the U.S., 2,159 from Canada and 41,931 from the rest of the world. The individuals listed are subscribers to various Hart Energy publications. The file includes government regulators, bankers, energy traders and consultants.
Selections: Title, business, country, state, city, state
Price: $445/M
Contact: Hart Energy Publishing, Attrice Hunt at 713-260-6437 or [email protected]
CMS Consumer Database
Compass Marketing Solutions has assembled 12 million Canadian names for the CMS Consumer database. This file is available for postal and telemarketing campaigns. Sources include telephone directories, census information and other public records.
Selections: Age, income, gender, ethnicity, dwelling type, geography
Price: $65/M
Contact: Millard Group Inc., Jim Long at 603-924-9262, ext. 2225 or [email protected]
Bare Necessities PIP
Bare Necessities has launched a package insert program that targets its Internet customers. These women (95%) and men (5%) purchased underwear and intimate apparel. Some 600,000 packages are shipped annually.
Price: $60/M
Contact: Singer Direct Inc., Sandra Roscoe at 914-472-8819 or [email protected]
Edgell’s Business Technology
Selections for number of employees, location, sales volume and SIC codes have been added to the Edgell’s Business Technology master file. The overall count is 91,354. This list includes subscribers to such publications as Apparel Magazine, Consumer Goods Technology, Hospitality Technology, Retail Info Systems News and Vertical Reseller.
Additional selections: Job function, location, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: Rubin Response Management Services Inc., Donna Lundell at 847-619-9800, ext. 166 or [email protected]