Listline e-Newsletter 10/03

* Beadwork, Interweave Knits/Piecework
* Love of Quilting Magazine
* American Blinds, Wallpaper and More
* Get Me the Car Applicants
* RedEnvelope
* Incisive Media Legal E-mail Master File
* Introducing Gus Zucco of Dunn Data Co.
* Short Cuts
* Editor’s Note: Check Out the New Chief Marketer Network


Beadwork, Interweave Knits/Piecework
Interweave Press picked Millard Group Inc. to manage lists of subscribers to Beadwork, Interweave Knits and Piecework magazines. Counts for these titles range from 12,103 to 64,671. RMI Direct Marketing previously handled these files. New lists for similar titles have been released as well.
Selections (depending on file): Age, ethnicity, gender, home address, household income, number/presence of children, occupation, state/SCF/ZIP
Sample usage (Beadwork): All American Crafts, Bead & Button, Annie’s Attic, Simply Beads, Craft Report, North American Affinity, Oriental Trading Co. (Interweave Knits): Simple Beads, Annie’s Attic, Crafts Report, Herrschners, Lyon Brand Yarn, Knit