Listline e-Newsletter 10/01/07

* Jigsaw Business Executive
* DM News
* Foreclosure Review
* People Move
* DatAdvantage Luxury Automobile Owners
* Fairfield Mint Collectibles
* People in the News
* Quebec Loisirs French Book Club


Jigsaw Business Executive
Online directory publisher Jigsaw Data Corp. has chosen Direct Partner Solutions to manage its lists of executives. More than 5.2 million business executives at postal addresses are named on a master file derived from Separate files identify Canadian executives, educators and executives who work in information technology and human resources, for example. MetaResponse Group Inc. was the prior manager.
Selections: Business/industry type, job function/title, one per company, phone numbers, sales volume, gender, last-12-month names, quarterly hotline, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Direct Partner Solutions Inc., Ann Nolan (678-762-9869, ext. 230; [email protected])

DM News
Haymarket Media has appointed Edith Roman Associates Inc. to manage the DM News list. Postal addresses are available for 51,096 subscribers, in addition to 25,637 e-mail addresses. VentureDirect previously managed this file.
Selections: Job title, business/industry type, sales volume, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M (postal file); $250/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Edith Roman Associates Inc., Kevin Collopy (845-731-2684; [email protected]–postal file); Michael Spohn at 845-731-3860; [email protected]–e-mail file)


Foreclosure Review
Entrepreneurs who purchased information about the real estate foreclosure market are listed. These 88,613 individuals spent an average of $70. No telemarketing is allowed. The Internet and direct mail are the sources.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $100/M
Contact: Geon Media Group, Maryls Haugo (801-619-7800; [email protected])

People Move
This file identifies more than 8.7 million consumers who changed addresses within the last month. This multi-sourced file is derived from direct mail, space advertising and the Internet.
Selections: Gender, marital status, household income, number/age of children, homeowner/renters, pets, urban/suburban locations, education
Price: $80/M
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson (561-393-8200, ext. 176; [email protected])

DatAdvantage Luxury Automobile Owners
More than 1.5 million postal addresses and 851,760 e-mail addresses are available for luxury vehicle owners. Seventy demographic and lifestyles interests can be selected. Data for this file comes from automotive repair centers.
Selections: Age, date of birth, gender, homeowner, presence of children, income, occupation, phone numbers, demographics, lifestyle, auto make, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $75/M (postal file); $95/M (e-mail file)
Contact: List Management Plus, Chris Morgan (603-673-3473; [email protected]


Fairfield Mint Collectibles
The LH Management Division of Leon Henry Inc. has assumed management of the Fairfield Mint’s catalog blow-in and invoice insert programs. A maximum of two inserts will be included in each of the 4.2 million catalogs are mailed annually. The maximum size is 3-1/2 by 5 inches, weighing up to .10 ounce. Up to four inserts will be included with invoices attached to outside of each of 125,000 packages shipped annually. Here the maximum size is 5-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches, weighing up to one-quarter ounce. Direct Media Inc. formerly managed these programs.
Price: $35/M (blow-in program); $60/M (invoice program)
Contact: LH Management Division, Leon Henry Inc., Jody Smith (914-285-3456; [email protected])


People in the News
Brian Clotworthy has been promoted to executive vice president of Information Refinery Inc. Clotworthy will oversee daily operations of sales, information technology, product, human resources, accounting and marketing. He has been with the firm since 1997.


Quebec Loisirs French Book Club
A $20/M discount off the base price this list of book buyers is being offered through Nov. 30. Contact Cornerstone Group of Companies, Maria Hyponen (416-932-9555, ext. 429; [email protected])