Listline e-Newsletter 07/17/06

* Warrior Custom Golf
* Global Cosmetic Industry
* Utility Contractor Magazine
* Choice Deals Beauty Buyers
* Medical Professionals by Specialty in the Middle East
* Lime Green
* Cash and Prize Award Buyers Belguim
* Ailments and Health Issues


Warrior Custom Golf
Men (65%) and women (35%) who purchased customized golf clubs are named on the Warrior Custom Golf list. This is a universe of 350,000 names. Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are available. The unit of sale ranged from $30 to $1,000. The sources are direct mail and telemarketing.
Selections: Quarterly hotline, age, income, homeowners, credit card, gender, marital status, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $200/M
Contact: Listdata Management Services Inc., David Brill at 845-357-1881 or [email protected] and Oney Currithers at 845-357-1881 or [email protected]

Global Cosmetic Industry
A total of 15,143 names are available on Global Cosmetic Industry magazine’s controlled circulation list. Segments with 456 Canadian and 135 international subscribers are available for a $250 flat fee. The list owner requires a reciprocal rental agreement.
Selections: Job function/title, business/industry type, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $200/M (U.S. subscribers)
Contact: AllMedia Inc., Meg Boshell at 469-467-9100, ext. 126 or [email protected]

Utility Contractor Magazine
Contractors, engineering firms, manufacturers and suppliers are included in the Utility Contractor Magazine list. A total of 10,636 subscribers are available. More than 83% of readership are company owners or directors.
Selections: Job title, industry, annual revenue, recommend/specify, construction areas, money spent on equipment, gender, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: Information Refinery Inc., Brahm Schenkman at 800-529-9020, ext. 29 or [email protected]

Choice Deals Beauty Buyers
Consumers who used the Internet to shop and buy skin care products online are named on Choice Deals Beauty Buyers, a list with more than 1.6 million names. Sources include online registrations, direct mail, space advertising and telemarketing.
Selections: Monthly hotline, ethnicity, income, telephone numbers, age, presence of children, credit card buyers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $85/M
Contact: List Connection Inc., Paul Matthews at 954-941-7118 or [email protected]

Medical Professionals by Specialty in the Middle East
Some 373,363 names have been assembled for the Medical Professionals by Specialty in the Middle East file. This list is derived from Frankform’s Worldwide Executive and Professional database. Postal, telemarketing, fax and e-mail records are available. Sources include telemarketing, on-site interviews and other research.
Selections: Job function, income, gender, business/industry, company size, geography
Price: $245/M (postal file); $345/M (telemarketing/fax file); $475/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Bethesda List Center Inc., John Rucker at 301-986-1455, ext. 25 or [email protected]

Lime Green
Buyers through June 2006 are available on the Lime Green children’s catalog list. A total of 8,209 buyers are offered, including 4,012 from the last 12 months. The final catalog was mailed in late 2005. The average unit of sale was $80/M. An average buyer is 38 with a $100,000 income. This list is available for unlimited lease only.
Selections: None offered
Price: $500 (unlimited lease)
Contact: Millard Group Inc., Linda Thompson at 603-924-9262, ext. 2203 or [email protected] and Yvonne Mathews at 603-924-9262, ext. 2263 or [email protected]

Cash and Prize Award Buyers Belguim
Consumers in Belgium who paid money to claim awards or enter contests have been assembled on two different lists. The Cash and Prize Award Buyers Belgium file is the larger one with 800 names. A similar file called Prize Seekers Belgium has an initial count of 500. Both files were generated via direct mail in the second quarter.
Selections: Gender, hotline
Price: $210/M
Contact: J.R. Direct Response International Inc., Laura Pike at 604-940-0277, ext. 117 or [email protected]


Ailments and Health Issues
Selections for back pain, high cholesterol, depression and hypertension have become available on the Ailments and Health Issues file from Next Dimension. The count exceeds 2.8 million names. Telephone surveys are the source.
Additional selections: Monthly hotline, age, ethnicity, gender, health, homeowner, marital status, telephone numbers, presence of children, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $150/M
Contact: VentureDirect Worldwide, Nancy Liddane at 212-655-5153 or [email protected]