Listline e-Newsletter 06/27/05

* Ultimate Golf Vacation Package Buyers

* Government Health IT

* A Stitch in Time

* Info-Direct and Universe Canada

* Tool Crib

* Winterthur Home Book

* Primedia Consolidates Management of Lists

* TechRepublic Postal and E-mail

* Sportsman’s Guide Enhanced


Ultimate Golf Vacation Package Buyers

Nearly 1 million names are available on the Ultimate Golf Vacation Package Buyers list. The unit of sale ranges from $400 to $2,100. Men made 90% of these purchases. The sources are radio, space advertising, trade shows and telemarketing.
Selections: Monthly hotline, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $110/M
Contact: Listdata Management Services Inc., David Brill at 845-357-1881 or [email protected] and Oney Currithers at 845-357-1881 or [email protected]

Government Health IT

101 Communications today is releasing a list of subscribers to Government Health IT, an e-mail newsletter available free to qualified subscribers, namely individuals involved in healthcare industry technology. The postal segment consists of 23,309 subscribers; in addition there are 21,439 e-mail addresses available.
Selections: Business/industry, function function, budget, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $185/M (postal file); $300/M (e-mail file)
Contact: Worldata, Jay Schwedelson at 561-393-8200, ext. 176 or [email protected]

A Stitch in Time

More than 4.8 million individuals who enjoy needlecrafts such a quilting and knitting are named on the A Stitch in Time list. This file is comprised primarily of women, median age 55 with a $40,000 median income. More than 80% are mail order buyers and 70% have bankcards. The file is derived from mail order, retail, online, direct response TV buyer and self-reported lifestyle survey data.
Selections: Knitting/needlework, quilting, sewing, age, income, gender, homeowners, presence of children, ethnicity, bankcard holders, apparel shoppers, home decorating, mail order buyer category, sweepstakes entrants, cooking interest, doll collectors, ornament collectors, magazine subscribers, book buyers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $65/M
Contact: Focus USA, Stephani O’John at 201-489-2525 or [email protected]


Info-Direct and Universe Canada

Several new types of selections have been introduced to various Info-Direct and Universe Canada lists. A resident’s ownership select differentiates between homeowners and renters. Similarly, a residence type select identifies apartment buildings based on whether they have fewer or more than five stories. There is also a new construction period select that identifies the year of home construction in 10-year increments. The Info-Direct Household file contains nearly 11 million names; Info-Direct Business has nearly 2 million names. Numerous Universe Canada files are offered, including the Universe Canada Master File with nearly 8.5 million names. Other Universe Canada segments identify charitable donors, ethnic groups, French-Canadians and new movers, to name a few.
Additional selections: Province, FSA, residence type, telephone numbers (Info-Direct); Age, age/income combined, $500-plus buyers, frequency, gender, household income, mail order buyers, monetary, Mosaic, PRIZMce, PSYTE, telephone numbers, telephone follow-up, small office/home office (Universe Canada Master File)
Price: $65/M Canadian (Info-Direct files); $90/M Canadian (Universe Canada Master File)
Contact: Cornerstone Group of Companies, Sarah Ladouceur at 416-932-9555, 302 or [email protected] (Info-Direct files); Valerie Quinzio at 416-932-9555, ext. 385 or [email protected]


Tool Crib

A gender select that identifies 12,685 women has been added to the Tool Crib files. The Tool Crib Catalog Buyers file contains 125,865 buyers from the last 12 months. There are 39,840 names on the Tool Crib Multi-Channel Buyers file. The average unit of sale was $280.
Additional selections: Multibuyers, monetary ranges, state/SCF/ZIP
Sample tests: J.C. Penney Co. Inc., Bradley Direct, Consumers Union, Gurney’s Seed and Nursery, Bass Pro Shops Inc., Farm Show Publishing
Price: $110/M (last-12-month buyers)
Contact: Names and Addresses Inc., Jeff Dunn at 847-850-1012 or [email protected]


Winterthur Home Book

Enhanced catalog data from the Z-24 cooperative database, Experian demographics and CircBase subscriber data recently became available on the Winterthur (Museum’s) Home catalog list. These 114,279 buyers from the last 12 months spent an average of $190 on orders from its Furnishings for Beautiful Homes catalog. An average customer is 45 with an $85,000 income. Eighty-seven percent are women.
Selections: Adult/child age ranges, presence of children, apparel categories, home office, professional office, children’s merchandise, entertainment categories, food categories, gift categories, home d