* First Quality Opportunity Buyers
* Growing Family Club
* Exclusively Weddings Catalog Buyers
* Credit Seekers
* Vasotrol Male Enhancement Buyers
* 2.0 On the Green Golfers
* Belardi/Ostroy to Handle Brokerage for Coldwater Creek
* Short Cuts
First Quality Opportunity Buyers
Macromark Inc. has been tapped to manage the First Quality Opportunity Buyers list. Nearly 30,000 opportunity seekers are named and telephone numbers are available for most. These men and women paid $60 to $150 to join a program that involves stuffing and mailing envelopes from home. Direct mail is the source. DAJ Direct previously managed this file.
Selections: Hotlines, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $90/M (postal file); $250/M (telemarketing file)
Contact: Macromark Inc., Mary Ellen Meyer (845-230-6300, ext. 324; [email protected]
Growing Family Club
Nearly 20 million families with children are listed on this master file from Growing Family Inc. Members include new and expectant parents who receive discounts, coupons and product samples. The company offers in-hospital photography services for families to purchase photos of newborns. Women (90%) make most of these $50 average purchases. Sources are point of purchase and online registrations.
Selections: Child’s birth date/gender, multiple births, birth order, telephone numbers, Spanish-speaking, language preference, change of address, lifestyle, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $125/M
Contact: True North List Marketing LLC, Lynn Starr (203-459-4348, ext. 305; [email protected]
Exclusively Weddings Catalog Buyers
Some 70,000 buyers from the last 12 months are available from Exclusively Weddings. Products sold include invitations, garters, jewelry, silk rose petals and gifts. The average catalog order was $100.
Selections: Wedding date, buyer and requester hotlines, $50/$100-plus buyers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $120/M (last-12-month buyers)
Contact: Walter Karl Inc., Jackie Renwick (845-732-7061; [email protected]
Credit Seekers
A total of 435,138 names are offered on the Credit Seekers file. These individuals reportedly are in the market for new or additional sources of credit. The file includes individuals and families who are considered high risk and on the verge of insolvency due to job layoffs, medical problems or credit card debt. It’s Web site generated data that’s verified by telephone.
Selections: Age, gender, max per site, telephone numbers, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $70/M
Contact: Chessie Lists Inc., Bob Lesser (301-680-3633, ext. 109; [email protected]
Vasotrol Male Enhancement Buyers
The initial February hotline lists 7,029 sexual potency product buyers. Segments are available for postal and telemarketing offers. Most customers are men 55 or older. The average sale was $67. Space ads, radio and TV are the sources.
Selections: Recency, gender, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $80/M (postal file); $300/M (telemarketing file)
Contact: Impulse Media, Rebecca Magnuson (203-825-4622; [email protected]
2.0 On the Green Golfers
The names of more than 3.6 million golfers have been assembled to launch this file. Segments are available identifying 3.1 million mail order buyers and 2.3 million cataloger buyers. These individuals’ average income is $81,000. No telemarketing is allowed. The Internet is the source.
Selections: Hotlines, age, DINK, ethnicity, gender, income, Internet/catalog/retailer buyer, length of residence, occupation, boat/RV owner, state/SCF/ZIP
Price: $95/M
Contact: Media Heights, Andrea Senteney (800-379-6147, ext. 101; [email protected]
Belardi/Ostroy to Handle Brokerage for Coldwater Creek
Coldwater Creek Inc. has chosen Belardi/Ostroy ALC LLC to serve as its exclusive list brokerage. Belardi/Ostroy will assist this women’s apparel, jewelry and gifts cataloger with circulation and marketing strategies, and expand prospecting efforts with lists and cooperative databases. Contact Belardi/Ostroy ALC LLC, Heather Martin (212-381-1708; [email protected]
Short Cuts
RMI Direct Marketing is preparing to release a data card for the Arthritis Society of Canada. Its donor file has been off the market for a number of years. Data is being processed at a service bureau. Names will be available on an exchange basis only.