[Re: Letters to the Editor, August 16]
[Elizabeth R. Pearce wrote] “Capital One did a very nice (and likely expensive) package that included a man’s paper wallet filled with letters and a brochure touting lower interest rates and the customer service they offer – as much as I dislike credit card offers, I have to admit to not only opening it but being a little impressed with their effort.”
A Caples “Best of Show” was awarded for the same packaging idea by an in-house pair of creatives. Their company, if I remember correctly, was located someplace in Florida. I also think their wallet was real, not paper. The piece, “Phoneworks,” won the 1997 award and went to Ken Wrightman and Brad Wendkos.
According to them, it produced a massive amount of business. We thought it was great back then — proving good ideas never die, they just fade away!
Andi Emerson
The Emerson Marketing Agency
New York City