Letters to the Editor

[Re: Loose Cannon: Only Skin Deep, Direct Newsline, February 5, 2007 (directmag.com/loosecannon/loose-cannon-skin-deep-020507/)

This is one of the funniest articles I have ever read!

Your writing here reminds me of what my crazy (unique?) 21-year-old son, Michael, tells me sometimes when I raise my eyebrows, “dad, I can’t believe the stuff that comes out of my mind!” Actually, the little booger is just bright and creative but he is definitely over the edge and knows it.

You had so many downright funny and obliquely funny references that were even funnier that I am still chuckling.

Main thing is, though, bring on the smut and forget the goddamned liniments.

Rick Hyman
Boca Raton, FL

* * * * *

Vermont Country Store is a very successful niche market, and I’m sure their Valentine cover was just an attempt to approach the happy feel-good Norman Rockwell type of theme for which they are famous.

The company has been in business over 60 years and is still operated by the Orton family, the original founders and owners. Their own list information states that they are “targeting mature consumers,” and in fact, 76% of these customers are women. They sell such amazing things as candy that children used to buy in the World War II era. We receive their catalog regularly and are amazed that they can even find manufacturers of some of their nostalgic products.

They sell “Lifebuoy Soap, the original Deodorant Soap” (from 1935!) and Camay, “the soap of beautiful women.” They feature and food products that are never seen anywhere else.

On their Web site, they have a Valentine gifts link, of course quite nostalgic: a ladies wind-up wristwatch, a lambs wool cardigan, and a nightgown. Candy has always been one of their specialties, and they do have a big heart-shaped box of candy.

Their total database of mail order buyers totals 1,254,000 names, of which 790,000 are from the last 12 months. Their average order is $70.00.

As they might say in New England, “they’re doing pretty good.”

Fred Morath
Fred Morath Direct Marketing
Natick, MA