The Jimmy Dean brand is debuting a new line of breakfast items, Jimmy D’s, made with turkey sausage. The campaign is fully integrated—TV, print, radio, online ads, cinema, social media, event marketing, PR, a new microsite and a healthy dose of in-store marketing.
Valerie Zanchettin, Jimmy Dean brand marketing manager, shares her thoughts on what marketing messages moms will discover when perusing the grocery isles.
PROMO: What is your strategy in planning in-store marketing?
ZANCHETTIN: We know it is important to talk to the consumer when she is in the shopper mindset. This means considering all steps within her path to purchase: planning her shopping trip, choosing the store, and going to the aisle to stop and make the purchase. When she’s in this mindset it’s important to reinforce key messages about the product and give her incentive to purchase knowing that the product is worth it.
PROMO: How are you doing that?
ZANCHETTIN: On new products, especially our newest offering Jimmy D’s, research tells us that once consumers try the product, they’re much more likely to purchase. Knowing that, we are focusing on both in-store demos and in-aisle and out-of-aisle signage so shoppers get a full understanding of the product offering. We are using milk advertising to drive awareness and encourage consumers to go to the frozen aisle. We’re also doing in-store demos near the ends of the frozen aisle and shelf talk signage with key product info near the Jimmy Dean section of the frozen aisle.
PROMO: How do you leverage consumer insights to prioritize efforts?
ZANCHETTIN: We are driven by consumer and shopper insights when it comes to the tactics and messaging both in traditional media and in-store. Our consumer and are shopper happen to be the same person, moms with kids, but her mindset is different when she’s watching TV and when she’s buzzing through the aisles of the grocery store for her weekly stock up trip. On the shopper side, we know frozen items in particular are purchased more frequently on these weekly stock-up trips so it’s important to get on her list prior to her getting to the store. We use FSIs as a vehicle for this knowing she clips coupons before heading to the store.
PROMO: Are you doing anything different for this campaign?
ZANCHETTIN: This year on Jimmy D’s we are adding some interesting things to the mix like cinema advertising, high impact TV buys like the Emmys and online broadband. We also know that word of mouth is important in new products and had a presence at BlogHer 2010 earlier this year to provide a sneak peek of Jimmy D’s to the influential blogger community.