J-Bird Records, a2b Music Combine on Music Downloading Venture

J-Bird Records and a2b music, a unit of AT&T’s, have launched a co-branded Web site that will allow users to purchase full-length song downloads from various J-Bird artists.

The service , accessible through the J-Bird Records Web site (http://www.j-birdrecords.com) or a2b music’s (http://www.a2bmusic.com) lets consumers listen to samples of music from J-Bird artists and then purchase the full-length tracks for $1.99 each. When purchased, the song is downloaded to the user’s computer hard drive utilizing a2b’s delivery system. The a2b music digital player is needed to listen to the track, and is available free of charge through both sites.

Transactions are handled by the companies’ music e-commerce system, which combines propriety AT&T security features, Microsoft’s commerce server, and Cybercast. Like the a2b music downloads themselves, this is a key-based system using standard RSA 128-bit encryption, providing secure downloads and transactions.