HP declared Wednesday a “media quiet day” in commemoration for the events that occurred last Sept. 11.
HP will allow no press releases, media placements, including space ads in newspapers and magazines, or executive interviews with the media to occur. (HP is the name of the combined entities of Compaq and Hewlett-Packard, which merged on May 7.)
“We are trying to keep things low-key in memorial and observance for last year’s events,” said Tim Marklein, director of corporate public relations in HP’s Palo Alto, CA, office.
Five Compaq employees lost their lives in New York the day the World Trade Center towers came down.
Within the company, dedications have been planned in honor of those employees in the New York, Palo Alto and Houston offices.
In addition, flags will be flown at half-mast and HP employees will participate in the national moment of silence.
HP is also launching a Days of Caring program, to provide support to non-profit groups near HP offices, starting Sept. 11 and running through the end of October. HP employees plan to offer software training, tutor young people, and be available to help with more mundane tasks such as painting centers’ walls, sorting food and doing landscaping.