Enter The PRO Awards Online. It’s Quick & Easy!
- Click on the Register to Enter Tab above
- Create a unique user name and password and follow the directions
This process will allow you to work on your entry and come back as often as you like until you are ready to finalize it. The only way to enter is online.
Important Note Concerning Multiple Entry Discounts: The PRO Awards bases discounts on the number of campaigns and categories a company enters. It’s important that all your company’s entries be logged in using the same user name and password. It is your responsibility to designate whose email will be used for the user name and to determine the password. Please communicate to all your departments and locations alerting everyone entering the PRO Awards that they must use the user name and password set up in the system by your company, for your company.
Failure to enter all your company’s campaigns under one user name and password will result in multiple discounts not being applied, if you have not reached the threshold number of entries. The PRO Awards will not combine entries after the fact to achieve a discount if a company creates different user names and passwords. Make sure to inquire within your company to make sure that no one has already set up an account on the PRO Awards site before creating a user name and password.
Only one person may be in the system under a unique user name and password at a time. Please make sure to log out of the system if you are not actively entering your campaign, so someone else in your company may log on.
Your entry online will consist of:
- Entry Identification Form
- Campaign Write-Up consisting of four components:
- Overview; Describe the marketing situation.
- Promotion Objectives; What specific marketing goals was this promotion designed to accomplish?
- Promotion Description; How did the promotion work?
- Campaign Performance Results; Quantify and explain the campaign’s results. Entries without quantifiable evidence will be disqualified.
- Promotion Samples such as photographs, renderings, print materials, advertising, websites, and multi media.
You may pay with either a credit card or check.
Paying by Credit Card:
No matter what date you finalize your entry the credit card used for payment will not be processed until week of May 23rd, 2011 so the PRO Awards may grant discounts based on how many entries a company submits. Companies may pay for entries with multiple credit cards and will be charged accordingly. When paying with multiple credit cards, each cardholder will receive a receipt emailed on or before June 1, 2011.
Paying by Check:
Checks are payable to PRO Awards 2011 and mailed to: Penton Media, The PRO Awards Attn: Maureen Van Kuren, 11 Riverbend Drive South, Stamford, CT 06907 (Checks must be received by April 27, 2011 in order for your entry to be considered on time with no late fee attached. If you are submitting entries for the late deadline of May 11, 2011 checks must be received by May 11, 2011)
- If paying by check you are responsible for calculating how many entries your company has submitted and apply the multiple discounts prior to sending us payment.
- If your company is sending multiple check payments to cover the total fees due, please let us know how many entries are being paid for by which of your offices in a note sent along with your check payment, ie; we have payment for 2 entries coming from our LA office.
- Please include with your check a list of the campaign names you are paying for and the categories they have been entered into. We need this information in order to find your entries in the system and mark them paid.
- If you are paying by check, you will not be able to finalize your entry at the end of the entry process. Once we receive your payment we will finalize your entry.
If you need a completed W9 Form from Penton Media, open this form and print.